Saturday, September 10, 2016


Why Turnbull is a "gonner".

Michelle Gratten has written a piece: which goes some way towards explaining why Turnbull is a 'gonner' as we used to say. She writes that he doesnt know "what to do" with the job of being PM. I think that she has nailed Turnbull's problem.
My very wise Aunt Vi told me as a child that "what you want to "be" ( jet fighter pilot or  PM) is not as important as what you want to "do". On the evidence, Malcolm was raised to want to "be PM" without any concept of how to do the doing bit.
Malcolm just wanted to "be a leader" without any idea of where he wanted to lead people to. Not knowing where he wants to go he has no direction and no strategy. He lacks the skills of strategic thinking.He references himself as a Captain. But the best Captains come from the ranks of the best players. They become Captain because they think strategically and devise strategies for achieving objectives. But Turnbull is no player he has no worthwhile objectives and no strategies for getting anywhere. And he does not have the support of his team; he doesnt know how to win that support and he never will - unless he pulls a rabbit out of a hat; he may may win support then but only until his team sees that its a sleight of hand.
Turnbull is a maverick and not a good one. The best mavericks can make good leaders, for a while, usually because they have some really good idea that people want to see developed; or they have a good strategy for achieving a set of objectves which they are most suited to implement. The only idea that Turnbull has is that of himself in the role and clothing of the PM.
Turnbull spruiks innovation. But he himself is no innovator. Innovators don't set out "to be" (that term again) innovators. They set out "to do" something: invent and develop a new way of "doing"; a process, a gizmo, a management structure, a better governance. And in so doing they may be said to have been innovative and to have earned the title of innovator.
Those are some arguments as to why Turnbull is a "gonner" why Grattan is right when she says that he doesnt know what to do with the job of PM. So where does that leave us? Frankly, in a tangle which looks like becoming worse because he is representative of the parliamentary LNP. We can only prepare and wait for the next election and vote Turnbull and his "hangers- on" leadership team out of office.
On the evidence of the 2016 election, Shorten's Labor would make a far better government.



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