Saturday, November 16, 2013


The Australian Government's treatment of asylum seekers is an odious offence

The Australian Government's treatment of asylum seekers is a policy deliberately designed to harm fellow humans. It is extremely harsh and cruel. It is imprisonment without trial and a psychological torture. It is a grotesque denial of basic freedoms, human rights and natural justice which threatens all of us. It is an odious assault on people the like of which happened under Nazism, Communism and the Pogroms against peoples of times past. It has no place in our modern, compassionate, freedom and justice loving democracy. It is a gross wrong that needs to be set right.
Consider also what it is doing to us. Promulgated to the Australian peoples as being necessary to protect us, it does the exact opposite; far from protecting us, it threatens our own rights and freedoms. Far from bringing honour to us as Australians, it brings dishonour. Our Australian Government's inhumane treatment of people seeking to escape war zones and tyrannous, murderous regimes diminishes us.

Abbott's brushing aside of human rights, in his recent statement about the events in Sri Lanka, that “difficult things happen in difficult times” is profoundly corrupting. Contrast it with the contemporaneous statements by the British Prime Minister.

“Difficult things happen in difficult times” excuses the Sri Lankan Government for its offences and offers the “rationale” for the Abbott Government's continuing denial of human rights and cruel treatment of asylum seekers presenting to our shores.
Australians should be very aware that “Difficult things happen in difficult times” is a philosophy that presents a serious threat to civil liberty and worse. The Abbott Government, is building a “Terrible Australia” not a “Better Australia”.

The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court Explanatory Memorandum, defines “crimes against humanity” as being : particularly odious offences in that they constitute a serious attack on human dignity or grave humiliation or a degradation of human beings”; seems to me that the Abbott-Morrison polices fulfil those criteria.

I ask my fellow Australians, to stand against these polices; bring them to an abrupt halt; ensure freedom, justice and human rights for all in our country; close Manus and Nauru; promptly process applications for asylum; and find other effective ways of “stopping the boats”.  

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